Each and every person has the ability to make a difference in someone’s life at Beacon Center. We would greatly appreciate it if you would consider a generous contribution. We are looking for engaged community members in our Sponsorship program to make a difference. For more information about getting involved, get in touch today.
Endowment Support
These gifts are added to the Endowment Fund and are considered perpetual gifts--the gift is never spent, only a distribution from earnings each year. Building a strong endowment is a critical step in providing long-term security for the Beacon Center.
Memorials & Honor Gifts
Memorial gifts are given in memory of family members or friends that have passed away. Honor gifts are given in gratitude, in tribute, or in celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, special occasions, or relationships.
Monthly Giving
Join our monthly giving program and you will provide critical support for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking living in Clark, Codington, Deuel, Grand and Hamlin Counties. Regular gifts allow us to plan ahead and to offer the long-term commitment that survivors need to improve their lives. Just $10 a month can help a victim attend an educational support group where they learn about the intricacies of abuse and find support and healing.
Operating Support
These gifts help to make sure that all programs and services are fully funded each year. Gifts are used, where needed most.