Family Visitation Center
The Family Visitation Center provides a safe, child-friendly environment in which children and families can visit each other and become reacquainted with one another. The Family Visitation Center provides both visitation and safe exchanges. Beacon Center offers three visitation rooms that are monitored through audio and video technology.
Supervised Visitation
All visits are viewed through the monitor system. Along with every visit being recorded, a staff member journals every five minutes exactly what is happening in the visit. When journaling, staff can only write facts. Example: Sarah is smiling. Not: Sarah is smiling because she is happy. The custodial and non-custodial parents both enter through separate entrances. Staff escorts the child(ren) to and from the visitation. If the visiting parent is suspected or found guilty of sexual misconduct, the visit will be videoed and a staff member will sit in the room during the visit.

All information is kept confidential. Visit information can only be obtained through a subpoena. Staff members have the right to intervene, and/or cancel any visit if they feel the child is currently is in danger or if drugs or alcohol use is suspected.

Safe Exchanges
The Family Visitation Center provides safe exchanges of children between parents, creating an atmosphere where the children will not be exposed to parental conflicts. The custodial and non-custodial parents both enter through separate entrances. Staff will then escort the child between parents. All exchanges are documented.